Laura’s Rating: 4/5 Stars
I wanted to review this book as a special tribute to my mom on Mother’s Day. (Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!) She recommended the novel to me, and just as she thought, I very much enjoyed the book.
The Analysis:
Rebecca was written in 1938 (and you can tell) but has never gone out of print. It was also adapted into a 1939 play by the author and into a 1940 movie, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The movie went on to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards. The film version changes some events and removes many of the complexities of the story, but it does deliver an extra-dramatic ending. I recommend reading the book first.
It was a stroke of genius to call the book “Rebecca” because despite being dead, Rebecca dominates every page of the book as an incredible, haunting force. Not only was Rebecca de Winter adored by neighbors and relatives, but the housekeeper Mrs. Danvers clearly prefers Rebecca over her replacement. It seems as though Rebecca was perfect in every way: beautiful, charming, and capable of managing a large estate like Manderley. How could our narrator possibly live up to such a standard? The second Mrs. de Winter becomes obsessed with the idea of Rebecca and her oppressive presence despite her absence.
Our narrator’s own name is never actually revealed and she is only addressed by name as Mrs. de Winter, after her marriage to Maxim. The fact that the first person narrator’s first name is never revealed is significant in two ways. First of all, it shows the importance of Rebecca and how the narrator feels overshadowed by her. Additionally, by only acknowledging herself as “Mrs. de Winter” the narrator shows that her identity is defined by her marriage to Maxim de Winter. She does not see herself as important or interesting outside of her marriage and involvement with Maxim and consequently, Rebecca.
I absolutely LOVED the twist(s) of this book. The only reason for 4 stars instead of 4.5 or 5 is the sometimes excruciatingly detailed writing style of Daphne du Maurier. The first half of the book is rather boring and filled with inconsequential details that do nothing but add length to the book. However, the actual events of the novel (almost) make up for the effort that must be put in to get through the narrator’s flowery details, inner ramblings, and daydreams. Overall, Rebecca is a clever, unexpected story about the past, obsession, and perspective.