Laura’s Rating: 2.5/5 Stars
My friend Mitch chose this book for our book club. I was excited to read a classic science fiction novel, a genre I haven’t explored much before. However, the length of this book really put me behind my personal reading schedule and wasn’t totally worth my time.
The Analysis:
Dune is considered one of the best science fiction novels of all time by many and has been hugely influential in the world of sci-fi (Star Wars parallels are obvious throughout). Frank Herbert’s original novel led to five sequels, a miniseries, and one film adaptation, with another movie to be released later this year. I think that this book is so highly respected and influential because of the depth of its universe. Frank Herbert does not simply create a few characters and lay out a setting. He was one of the first authors to create an entire cosmos, vast in its stretch. The Dune universe contains its own planets, climates, species, languages, and religions. The imagination of Herbert knows no bounds and sets the stage for limitless stories and possibilities.
A criticism that I have of this expansive world outlined for the readers is that it is overwhelming. In addition to learning characters and relationships, the reader must also visualize foreign concepts and define unfamiliar words. Many names in the book do not have obvious pronunciations, making them hard to remember. This book is also super long: 700+ pages in some versions, with the audiobook version clocking in at just over 21 hours. This doesn’t include the appendix with concept explanations and the lengthy list of definitions for Dune-specific vocabulary. The Dune universe feels endless, which I think actually ends up becoming a flaw. I understand that this book is meant to set up an entire fictional system, but it feels like too much to me.
This book made me think of another science fiction giant: 2001: A Space Odyssey. My (often controversial) opinion of the film is that while it has groundbreaking special effects and is highly influential and important for the world of science fiction movies, I do not actually enjoy the film. In the same way, I acknowledge the great writing feat accomplished by Frank Herbert and Dune’s significance in the science fiction world must certainly be recognized. However, I personally didn’t enjoy the book much and I just wanted to be done with it. I am looking forward to the new movie version, which will hopefully portray the story in a more concise and enjoyable manner.
Introducing my first ever Lit and Flicks reading guide! With a new movie version of Dune coming out in late 2020, many people will try to read the source material before heading to the theater (or streaming). I thought this would be a perfect time to do my first reading guide (an idea from my best friend Sydney) in order to help readers navigate the complicated universe of Dune.
Find the reading guide on my Other Content page or at the link below: